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86 Articles
MIRACLE: Towels that fight unwanted bacteria
‘Adulting’ is not an easy feat. Life can feel really hard sometimes. But for most of us, adulthood...
Make Time To Unwind
Your mental health is so important. Don't ignore it. Instead, make it a priority. My tip for you is to...
3 Tips For A Fall Fitness Reset
September 22, 2020 is the first day of fall. There are so many things to look forward to despite the...
Fitz Frames – Buy Prescription Eyeglasses That Fit Your Face
Do you find yourself squinting a little more? For some, it happens when reading labels, and for others...
Finding the Right Face Mask – N95 Particulate Respirator
One of the easiest things that you can do to protect yourself, and more importantly others, is wearing a...
MindYourMind – My Secret for Falling (and Staying) Asleep
The stress and anxiety brought about by the current pandemic have my brain in overdrive. This, in turn...
About me

Debbie Savage
Hi I'm Debbie! Welcome to my blog where I document my 40-something life. Let's celebrate the beauty and wisdom that comes with age
What Color Shoes Would Look Nice With a Brown Colored...
January 28, 2020
A Eulogy for My Brother | Tips to Writing and...
December 4, 2019
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